Performance Terzo Paradiso
Parc Ciutadella - 13 NOV 6pm
The Blueproject Foundation presents "Terzo Paradiso", an exclusive performance by the renowned Italian artist Michelangelo Pistoletto at the Ciutadella Park on Friday November 13 at 6 pm. Designed as a complement to the personal exhibition devoted to him by the foundation, "Terzo Paradiso" is framed within the reflection the artist started in the 90s and materialized by the creation of Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto, which promotes relations between the art and various social fields to promote a responsible transformation of society.
A performance that inherit the legacy of other similar performance, made Michelangelo Pistoletto and his foundation, in many parts of the world and are always presented as a social and artistic way to start a stage in which humanity learns to harmonize with technological advances and respect more the nature. The performance will feature the artist himself and will have the participation of Transductores, Espai d'inclusió i formació Casc Antic (eicascantic), Casal de Barri Pou de la Figuera and Riborquestra Association, which is part of the educational and mediation project related to the neighborhood of La Ribera and El Born.