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Interstitial Spaces

Fabio Perletta

23.10.14 - 09.11.14

The Blueproject Foundation presents Interstitial Spaces, a performance by Fabio Perletta. This young Italian artist explores the relationship between sound, graphic art and color through an art project in which the public is involved in an immersive sound performance offered by the artist. The performance is a transversal proposal that combines scientific references, human perception and psychology, in a a work that transports the audience to another universe thanks to wrapping, complex and surprising installations.

After the performance, the work of Perletta will remain in the form of an exhibition / installation called Field: Atom(s) Entropy, in which the audience can enjoy his audiovisual creations through a video and sound installation in Sala Project and a selection of images associated with his work. The exhibition can be visited for free until next November 9th. This proposal is the first exhibition by Fabio Perletta in Spain.

Interstitial Spaces
23.10.2014 - at 19h

Field: Atom(s) Entropy
24.10.2014 - 09.11.2014

Interstitial Spaces

Blue Project Foundatoin