03.07.14 – 31.08.14The Keeper

Pedro Torres

Curated by

Blueproject Foundation

The Keeper, the first exhibition of the Blueproject Foundation residency program by Pedro Torres, aims to investigate the relationship between memory and image. Image in the broadest sense: as a visual stimulus that is presented in front of our eyes, whether in a physical, virtual or even mental support. “The Keeper” reveals the game set between visuality and memory / thinking / language, between the viewer and what he sees, by investigating the relationship between the visual stimulus and memory formation, what reminds in our minds from this image after some time.

The project intends to reflect on the different concepts related to memory (its types and stages) posing a series of works that propose the public a situation where these stages and processes may occur.

This situation is given in the same settings of the exhibition, with the deployment of a number of works, mostly in installation format, working through different media, such as video, sound, text or space itself, composing temporary situations where the visual stimulus may forge memory.

With the collaboration of: