14.11.14 – 25.01.15Spectral Synthesis
Luis Macías
Curated by
Blueproject Foundation
The Blueproject Foundation presents Spectral Synthesis, the third project of the residency program of the foundation created by the artist Luis Macias. The exhibition consists of five audiovisual installations in analog format on 16mm film projectors and slides that explore the materiality of light, the color spectrum and the viewer's own visual devices. A reflection on the cinematic device itself through various spatial sculptures that combine elements of film history with optical images and image games. Spectral Synthesis proposes a new approach to the essence, the diversity and richness of the image in an increasingly digital and characterized by constant visibility and spectacular society. A walk through the experimental territories of an expanded cinema, where image, or the lack of it, is more than the projection of a form on a screen.