27.10.17 – 03.12.17Julia, Rosa, Angela and the Others After Her

Julia Gorostidi

Curated by

Blueproject Foundation

The Blueproject Foundation presents Julia, Rosa, Angela and the Others After Her, the third exhibition of our 2017 residency program, by Julia Gorostidis. The exhibition can be seen in the Sala Project from the 27th of October to the 3rd of December 2017.

How does our identity come to be and evolve? Can there possibly be an authentic identity, free from external influences and interpretations? What is the common factor between the person I was and the person I am? These are some of the questions explored by the exhibition.

Julia Gorostidi’s work focuses on the variations in perception and the inter-subjective relationships between subject, object, author and spectator, in an environments where the limits between physical and virtual, private and public, self and others become increasingly blurred. Employing automatic and collaborative creation techniques resembling “exquisite corpse” or “Chinese whisper”, Gorostidi produces multi-layered works which investigate and deconstruct the notions of authenticity, autonomy, identity and otherness.

Julia, Rosa, Angela and the Others After Her presents the results of performative research carried out over the past twelve months. For this project, Goristidi created a fictional character which she followed through successive development stages (Julia, Rosa, Angela) turning it into a fluid character, whose origin slowly disappears until it becomes a collective Persona. Starting with the physical appearance and predictions of fortune-tellers she consults, Julia, Rosa, Angela and the others after her further evolves through her conversation with people she meets online and offline, allowing the artist to deepen the investigation of the biography, daily life, influences and decisions of this imaginary but paradigmatic character.

The exhibition includes a video (with the collaboration of Nuria Benet, produced by Prompt Collective) and a series of ceramics vases (made by Kraznai) with sound installation, which reflect the evolution of the character. The “public studio/worshop” of the artist gather the material generated during the process (multi-media documentation, but also clothes and accessories) and invites the visitor to get to know Julia, Rosa, Angela.