David Multiloa
Curated by
Blueproject Foundation
David Mutiloa analyzed the work of Sottsass on the 80’s, as if, naively, instead of reactivating this critical capacity, he had achieved just the opposite, feeding the economical machine itself with new objects, textures and ornaments. He also understands time as a turning point in which modernity begins to dissolve when the happy face of creative utopia begins to change into despair and helplessness, in awareness that history is the history of irreversible automatism.
Formal Exercise presents a series of objects constructed from these fragments. Through his proposal, Mutiloa tries to retrieve Sottsass designs and, by subjecting them to a process of abstraction in a cryptic and decontextualized way, to put himself between the reactivation of a critical component of his political program and his trivialization or failure in its transformation, in a series of abstract volumes and outdated styles in an exhibition space.