Anna Natt
Blueproject Foundation
The Blueproject Foundation presents the performance Vir, by Anna Natt (United States, 1975), the second resident artist of 2019. The project is presented on March 22 and 23, at 7pm, in the Sala Project of the foundation .
For Anna Natt, the issues surrounding socialization and gender expression have been central to her work. She is interested in the forms that the body takes through socialization to adopt certain behaviors and movements, associated with the notions of femininity or masculinity, and how these can be expressed aesthetically in a performative environment, viscerally affecting the viewer.
The Vir project follows this line and reflects on the vulnerability of contemporary masculinity. The artist is interested in creating a space in which new forms of masculinity are presented and can be discussed and appreciated. The final performance arises as a result of an intense process developed through a workshop with selected participants in an open call.
A call addressed to men, or people who identify as masculine, to investigate the poses, behaviors and movements of male physical expression, especially those associated with vulnerability in an attempt to reflect on what is considered masculine. The participants and the artist have worked with movement, dance, writing and sensory exploration to generate the final proposal, which will be shared with the public in the foundation.